His Birthday

My Age...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

fun fair time....

go to fun fair at Taman Tas...
happening giler...
sgt best...
but only me and hana..
meklom not with us coz she already in bus, going to kelantan..
so jelous...
but its ok...
i'm enjoy that night...
some memory for that night...

some story about hangout with friends..

going to Tanjung Lumpur very best trip with hana's classmate...
and that night too i'm got the big problem with hubby..
it make me very sad..
but i hope my face will not show my sadness that night..
we are very happy..
we were going there by 2 cars..
1 drove by hana and the other 1 drove by Fiq..
although some problems happened but we at last reach our destination..
we just go there to eat the ikan bakar or y sma waktu dgnnya...
there some funny story....
let the picture tell that story...

the big glass and the small 1..
i thought the big one is not that big..
very shock..
i cant finish it..

tomyam for that night..

it should be the sotong goreng tepung but it is the mistake by the workers there..
but hana and i just accept it...
redha jew la....

the memory at Tanjung Lumpur...

after that we were going to Teluk Chempedak..
the suasana there very nyaman...
sgt suka...
but it was limited...
i'm not in good mood..
everything is all about my hubby...
i know that's m,y fault but please...
please not to be very rude to me..
i'm so depress...
i'm just try to get some peace of my life that night...
but my friends still very good in mood..
very happy looking at them..

me..wajah sebalik kedukaan..
senyum paksa tu beb..

this is fiq...
so chomel..

very happy go lucky friends..
marisa,hana,anis n fiq...

all of them..
hana's classmate...