His Birthday

My Age...

Friday, February 12, 2010

before cuti raya cina..

dh lama dh xberblogging balik..
rasa cm rindu sgt..
tgok org lain berblogging..
always update their blog..
rindy smua tue..
tp diri ni cm malas sgt nk masuk page ni..
byak sgt kenangan ngan hafiz kt cni...
sy n hafiz@ bie????
ktorg dh break hari selasa lalu..
sgt sedih tp i have to accept it..
that's from my silly mistake..

i don't knwo what to say...
i still love him and always love him from the rest of my life..
he's the one and only in my life...
i still want him to come back but i think
it's never happen again..
he really hate me..
i think this year is my dark year..
so many bad thing happen to me..
maybe after this i will come back to blogging but not saying about me and hafiz again..
about something else...
something that i don't know..
it is my future..
i will be a new person..
but still love one person..

i will miss this smile...
sedeyhnya.... :'-(

i will miss to 3G with him..
ni masa hafiz demam..
sb tu pkai long sleeve shirt..
really miss that moment..

in pkaian kerja..
he's my soul..
he's my heart..
never take it back..

really sweet..
sweet smile..
that i will never see it again....
that i will never forget...
to hafiz,
tiada y dpt menandingi cinta bie di hati syg...
syg mintk maaf atas kekhilafan syg...
i really regret...
i really sad..
i need u..
u are mine baby...
i love u so much..
and it can't be change..

without him besides me,
it never let my life be rubbish..
my life is still go on..
without him..
but with the love in my heart..
that always be in my heart..
that always be forever....