His Birthday

My Age...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

tagged by hana..

1. Go to your photo folder in your computer
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

this picture had been captured in the morning before me go to class..
ntah le nape nk amik gmbr
cm sengal je...
time ni hri jumaat before kul 9..
sbb class ODE cancel ri tu...
so class just started at 9am..

org y ingin aku pass tagged ni ialah: (ayat skema giler...)

thanks all..
thank you cik na..

entri y sgt geram...

aku memg sgt2 geram skrg..
bgai nk meletup..
aku dh tdo..
pastu de lak y memg sesungguhnye gatal
mengejutkn aku dri lenaku..
memg stupid tol..
tongong la laki ni..
kalau kejut nk temankn aku xpe r..
dia lak y hilangkn diri...
memg menyirap darah aku..
xpasal2 nt aku nanges..
bodoh tol lelaki itu...
memg aku sgt bengang..
dh la xleh tdo balik..
esk aku da class la tongong....!!!
nape la wujud org cmni..
buat sakitkn hati aku je...
xleh tgok aku senang sikit...
bg la rehat kejap...
dh la skrg hari2 makin sibuk..
bkn nya ko xthu...
tongong tol leh manusia cmni sbgai teman hdup...
rasa cm nk meraung marah balik kt dia tu..
syg punye pasal aku sabr je la...
kn nt aku anta msj mengarutkn ko jgak y marah kt aku...
sabar je la...

tolong la memahami..
sakit jiwa aku...
xpasal aku nanges..

(sori ye bie tp memg syg sgt geram sebab ia trlalu melampau
tolong la jgn buat lg..syg penat sgt..)

p/s: entri ini x merujuk kpd general..hanya spesifik pd org y berkenaan sahaja..
hanya untuk luahan perasaan...nk mrah betol2 xleh..huhuhu..
harap maklum...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

tagged by teha..

#1 describe 10 things about the person who tagged you.
1. name beliau teha,~
2. dak section aku
3. beliau kawan yang baek.
4. happy go lucky..
5. Suke kale merah
6. beliau dak matrik aku tp x sama kuliah[kmns]
7. lahir bulan march..
8. suka senyum chumil..
9. serius bila bekerja n buat asgnment
10. die suke bace seventeen~

#2 describe 10 things about you.

1. Daugther en. hashim mahmood and norlina mohammad
2.student UMP skrg...
3.aku mungkin sgt penyayang..
4.sgt suka Cupcake....
5.kekadang aku suka pendam perasaan sedih sorg2...
6.fakta hot,aku suka tp x pandai memasak..
7.aku ske g jalan2...
8.aku sgt manja ngan org y aku syg accept kwn2 aku....
9.lahir bulan april sma ngan y trsayang..
10.sgt cinta bie...

#3 - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names..
1. farhana..
2. siti (mekti)
3. liza..
4-10.sesape y lalu kt cni

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kem Hikmah Kembara...

kem ni cm kem motivasi gak r...
we learn about time management...
and technic of study..
got lots of activities there..
very good experience..moh la layan pic..
i don't have mood to story more....

wawa, siti n me..

my classmate..

file time kt camping..
i'm in group 2..
group TRAVEL..

me and zu..

barisan urusetia n fasilitator..

girls with urusetia n fasilitator..

boys with urusetia n fasilitator...

my group member..

nuek n piol..

ntah ler sape....

piol n poksu...

my group member without wawa...

dh lma x entri...

rindu sgt nk entri...
sgt lma dh x entri...
trlalu busy with everything...
lot of thing to do..
very tired..
it will be continue till the end of this month..
i hope so...
but i got lot of fun..
lot of experience..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

hari2 y sibuk

10 february 2009..
hari y sgt2 sibuk...
walaupn class start kul 10..
but my class end at 7.30pm..
Machining class stert at 2 and end at 5..
then Technical English class start at 5pm till 7.30pm..
during TE session, all mmy friends have to submit the moviemaker project..
Alhamdulillah i had done my job on right time..
i'm very "kalut" during TE session..
my partner and i have to finish doing that job on that time..
memg very kalut..
very nervous coz my laptop always hang...
bangang tol...
sgt xsuka...
tp lastly dpt jgak we finish our job..
so tired..
and at night..
i have a discussion with my geng..
with lina n asyi....
discus about drawing project and assignment..
so tired....
sleep late again..
n tomorrow i have class at 9am till 1pm..
and the rest is time for me to sleep...
cover my lack of sleep..
very broken english..
so sorry..

Monday, February 9, 2009

tagged by mint again...


1. Daugther en. hashim mahmood and norlina mohammad
my papa n mama trsayang.....lub u mama papa...

2. student UMP skrg...
hahahaha...perlukew aku ckp cmni???
lantak la..asal aku laksanakn tagged ini..

3. aku mungkin sgt penyayang..
betol kew????cm xleh nk caya jew...
aku penyayang la...
aku syg smua org d sekeliling aku....

4. sgt suka Cupcake....
wah...aku nk cupcake y chumil2 tu.....
nk jgak....nk jugak....

5. kekadang aku suka pendam perasaan sedih sorg2...
xnk susahkn org lain.....huhuhuhu

6. fakta hot,aku suka tp x pandai memasak..
kekngkadang tu leh la masak..
time parents not at home for many days...
leh la jgak masak skit2 tp xterer pn cm mama aku....
rmdu mama...

7. aku ske g jalan2...
aku memg sgt suka jalan2...
xkira la ngan sesape..
tp msti ngan org y aku rapat la..
ngan org xkenal aku xkua...
famili aku suka travel..
tp aku xpenah pn smpai ke luar negara..
dlm M'sia sudah..

8. aku sgt manja ngan org y aku syg accept kwn2 aku....
fakta y sgt tepat.....
aku sgt manja ngan famili aku n bie...
tp bie slalu ajar aku jgn trlalu manja...
dia suh aku jd kuat...
bkn tough fizikal..
dia suh aku kuat dari segi mantal dn emosi..


1. kecik....
2. mekti..
4.n sesape la y slalu singgah blog aku ni..

First name: nur
Name you wish you had: la..xkn nk nama org lain..mesti la nama sendiri
People call you as: su,meksu,syg..
Birthday: 4 april 1989
Time of birth: lupa la plak...
How tall are you: 157-158 ..
Wish you were taller: ok gak kalau jd tinggi..tp skrg pn aku dh syukur...
Eye color: black
current hair colour: black
Short or long hair: ntah ler...

Pepsi or coke: teh ais y best...teh tarik pn cun gak..
Rap or rock: balada..jiwang bru best..hahahaha
Relationship or one night stand: relationship....
love or money: both
country or city: both..kampung pn ok..bandar pn ok jgak..
friends or family: both

Favourite song: lucky
Fav singer: json mraz
Do you play any sports: nope....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

hari ni dan smlm...

cm bagus je tjuk..
cm tjuk lagu jew...
want to story about last night..
i go out with my friends..
mekna, meklom . wani...
and last night i got an English class...
during the class, i sign in my Skype...
then my friends (mekna and meklom) skype me...
they very hungry..
smua idea meklom..
meklom lapar...
mekna pn lapar jgk...
they want to go out finding sumthing to eat..
so after my class,i wait them at bus stop..
they pick me and we went out..
we went to the Mahkota Restaurant if i'm not mistaken..
10 minutes from UMP..
lma sgt tgu mknan..
tp ok la....
ktorg smpai UMP tepat kul 12..
nsib baik pak guard tu baik..

story for today..
today nothing much happened to me..
just mekna n meklom went to library..
but today library close...
nsib baik aku xikut...
bie so weird..

so pamper..
i like..
sgt sayang bie..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

hari ni nanges lg

sedihnye hdup 2 hri ni...
smlm trsilap langkah lg..
buat bie marah...
aku gak y nanges..
sb aku dh dpt no Upax bru..
so nk try gurau ngan bie..
tp aku lupa smlm dia agak penat byk keje..
aku gak y kna marah...
kn dh padan muka...
aku dh pujuk tp x lut la..
kebalnye bie..
tp pgi td aku ok je...
sb bie dh msj aku..
tp bie bg warning jgn buat cmtu lg...
aku akur la...

sepanjang pgi dn tgah hri mood aku elok jew...
tp bila ptg...

got a phone call from papa..
at that time i had my nap..
then i mamai je angkat phone..
papa ckp ntah pe aku xingt..
pastu papa bg phone kt kakak..
diorg kt KL????
msa tu brderau darah aku..
bkn nk marah..
tp sedih..
famili g KL xbgtau pape...
g mlawat abg n kakak ku kt cna..
ok fine.....
aku kt cni xpenah pn datg mlawat...
dulu janji nk hntar tp x jd...
msa tu leh trima lg sb papa da tugas..
tp skrg ntah la....
hancur hati aku...
kalau xnk dtg pn xpe tp at least let me know where want to go..
feel very crash...
nobody can help me..
broken heart...
dlm keadaan mamai tu kakak n abg aku ckp ngan aku..
aku nk x nk je ckp ngan diorg..
terasa hati beb....
pastu aku ckp ngan akak aku..
pastu trus letak..
xsempat nk ckp balik ngan papa..
papa call aku balik..
maybe dia thu aku ngah sedih kot..
papa tnya aku ok ke x..
aku ckp ok je..
pastu ckp sikit2 then letak..
lpas tu..
aku nanges semahunye..
ntah la nape aku nk nanges..
tp siyes aku ckp aku memg terasa hati...

msa aku nanges tu baba aku teman kn aku..
baba selaku bapa angkat aku..
dia y tenangkn aku...
dia bg byk sgt nasihat kt aku..

mekasih baba....

then bie pn cm thu2 je aku sad..
dia pn msj aku gak..
dia pujuk aku..
dia pn mintak maaf sb smlm...
mekasih bie..
syg sayang bie...
syg x akn buat lg..
tp xjanji..
thanks a lot bie cyang...

then skrang aku ok skit....
rase cm sakit kpala n berat je kelopak mata...
bijik mata aku pedih..
nanges byk sgt td...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


i'm very crazy with the cup cake...
look very cute...

so sweet...

nk jgak..
harap2 da la y nk bg cupcake y sgt comel kt aku nt my birthday..
nk jgak...
kepada kengkawan tu take note k..
i want it like crazy..
syg nk cupcake..
nk jgak..

my dream cup cake

wedding cakes

smua kek y sgt comey....

hri ni y sgt sedih..

hari ni sahabat baik aku pgi2 lg buat hal....
ntah pape la..
kata2 dia punye la menusuk kalbu..
sedih giler...
and you know,
i cry during da class...
but jus some of my classmate know that..
especially lina n asyi...
they ask why but i didn't answer...
so bangang tol sahabat baik aku tu...
cm la dia baik sgt....
memg la..
i know i'm not generous..
not very good..
but i'm as human, i do make mistake..
not everything i can remember..
that is my mistake...
owh God..
help me...
i'm very bad mood today...
but very lucky...
my bie sgt2 prihatin..
he like know what had happen to me...
and he said to me to sabar n jus let everything go..
don't think about it..
and he said he very miss me..
he give support for me..
today he need to attend the trial in court at johor..
about the case that he had handle...
he let me know before he left..
i know he love me so much..
thanks bie...

syg sayang bie sgt2...


malam ni cm malas jew nk entri..
i'm not in a good mood....
don't know why...
people not always be happy..
sometime people get in trouble or got a problem..
me too...
maybe just some words that i send to bie make me feel bad..
and make bie feel mad at me...
so bodoh..
kind of this thing pn perlu ke aku bad mood...
just make me feel hurt..
lantak r...
don't know what to entri...
so bad mood.. :"-(

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

hari ni...

hari ni biasa2 je bg aku...
tp da peristiwa y melucukn...
pgi td da class stregth of material...
pastu kul 10.30 pgi da majlis amanat NC UMP...
smua kna pegi..
tp sgt boring dgr ucapan tu..
aku da class CAD MOdelling ptg td...
so i have to go to lab..
the rule to enter the lab is


and you know what..
my friends and i break the rule..
i just pkai kasut biasa jew....
sb ptg ni class drwing je..
bkn buat machining pn..
then before i have finish my lesson...
Mr Zam came to our class then said

"sesiapa y memakai selipar atau kasut slain dari safetyboot,
sy akn amik sbelah dripadanya..
nk amik balik kasut @ selipar awak tu jmpa sy kt lab machining.."

gelabah aku n geng dibuatnye...
sengal tol..
sape soh langgar peraturn...
then after the class..
my friends and i have to walk with 1 shoes @selipar..
wah dlm lab jalan xpkai alas kaki...
fuh malu beb..
kna ktawa dek bdak2 section 2...
lpas dpt kasut trus kluar lab..

td da majlis penyampaian dean's list kt bebudak y hebat la..
aku jew y xhebat..
so humble..
dpt makan fre..
tu y penting tu..
wlaupn xde dlm golongan dean's list..
hahhahahaa....sgt best gak r majlis tu..
majlis xformal sgt pn..
pastu da meeting with our academic advisor..

my PA is Prof. Madya DR. Wan Azhar Wan Yusoff..

best jgak td..
xboring langsung...

smlm y romantik lg....

smlm bie sgt2 romantik..
he says to me that he's very sleepy..
then he want me to sing the song to him before he sleep..
dia suh aku ulik dia..
and msa tu jgak aku pn feel sleepy...
aku suh dia y ulik aku...
tp dia xnk..
dia trus tdo..
aku pn sing la sesuka hati with the music from my phone..
i heard he play the song too...
rupa2nya dia x tdo lg...
he says to me...

'syg...nape syg baik sgt kt bie??'

i'm shock..
don't know what to say..
i just say..

'xthu..ntah la'
'ye la..sebab syg sayg bie..'

then he say..

'syg trlalu baik sgt ngan bie..'
'bie syg sayg sgt2..'

i feel so touch..
owh bie cyang...
don't say that..
i will cry if you continue saying sumthing..
then he said again...

'bie sayg syg sgt2...'

then as i said i fell very touch..
then i cry...
then i said

'syg pn sayng bie sgt2...'

then he said

'jgan nanges sygku..'
'bie ada disamping syg slalu..'

owh bie cyang...
bertambah2 sayang syg kt bie...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

smlm y romantik...

sgt suka smlm...
smlm aku y gatal g kejut bie...
dia dh tdo..
tp aku g call dia byk kali..
dia pn trjaga la...
xpasal2 aku kna lyan lak karenah di tu..
tp xpe....
aku suka...
dia sgt manja...
dia x penah cm smlm..
smlm dia cm tension ngan keje...
dia bgtau ngan aku..
aku pn jd pendengar y setia...
dia xpenah citer masalah dia kt aku...
dia cm tension sgt smlm..
dia ckp bos dia trlalu memberi tekanan pd dia..
cian bie cyang ni...
bie jgn rsau la..
da hikmah tu..
tp smlm dia cm tkut...
dia tkut sb da bunyi anjing menyalak dpn umah dia..
dia tgal sorg2...
aku cm kelakar la jgak..
tp nk buat cmne...
perasaan dia kot smlm..
mgkin sb dia tngah runsing..
so dia suh aku teman dia...
aku pn borak2 ngan dia..
dia ckp dia rndu sgt2 nk borak2 ngan aku..
aku pn rndu sgt2 ngan dia...
dia ckp dia syg aku sgt2...
aku pn sgt2 gembira...
aku tramat syg dia..
dia pmberi semangat aku..
wlau kekdg dia sgt menyakitkn hti..
aku thu dia setia ngan aku...
dia tristimewa d hatiku...
wlau pe pn y trjadi syg tetap sayang bie...
smoga Allah merestui hubungan kita..

(hri ni dia dpt berita y bos dia tu dtukarkn ke perak..
dia trsgt gmbira...
dia ckp kurg skit nt tekanan dia...)
syg sentiasa doakn kesejahteraan dan ketenangan bie..


masa cuti ri tu...
bakal mertua n bakal ipar2 ku dtg kelantan....
bie ckp diorg dtg saje2 je..
sb nk melancong..
tp da jgak g melawat sedara kot..
bie xdpt ikt famili dia...
dia kena keje...
brleter dia kt aku..
dia ckp aku xnk kawin ngan dia cpt2..
kalau x msti dia dh dpt cuti...
aku y dpersalahkn...
dia saje2 je gurau2 manja ngan aku..
dia suh aku g jmpa ngan famili dia...
aku gabra r...
tp aku x g jmpa pn..
bie ckp nt dia da sma bru aku leh jmpa ngan famili dia...
famili dia dh thu pasal hubngan ktorg..
tp ktorg blum sedia lg nk jmpa ngan famili msing2..
lgpn dia ckp aku msh muda lg..
aku ikut je..
mane2 y trbaik tuk hubungan kami..
latest my hubby punye pic..
wlaupn x bpe comey..
syg ltak jgak ye bie cyang..
bie tetap comey dhati syg..

i lub u bie..

syg sayang bie sgt2...
smoga hubungan kita brkekalan..

hbis sudah holiday.... :(

dh lma x entri...
balik umah x bukak internet da...
ada internet tp lupa password..
aku y sengal..

masa aku smpai umah maghrib 24 Jan tu..
rmai org umah aku..

aku ingt kn nk smbut aku balik...

rupa2nye diorg baru balik dari umah org kenduri..

hampeh tol..


nenek n mak sdara aku smua da...


dpt gak aku jmpa ngan spupu2 aku y comel...



emam baihaqi

cuti agak seronok r..
aku g kacau syura kt umah mak sdara aku..
aku x amik gmbr msa majlis tu..
xleh la nk entri..
masa tu smua da..
budak comot ni pn da

qaseh eyzaira

aku n famili g jalan2 kt kbmall...
smbil2 tgu nk amik adk aku tusyen..
aku n nani jew ikt..

nabila n zuyyin g tusyen..

padan muka..
jahat tol aku ni..
dpt gak aku paw 2 helai sluar..
adik2 aku pn papa aku belikn jgak..
aku nk sandal tp xde r..
susah tol..

aku kna kemas umah...
tu y paling sedih...
ingt dpt la rehat2..
mama aku suruh tkar langsir 1 rumah..

ruang tamu... wah cm brsepah jew.... malu2..

dapur.. umah baru renovate... dapur baru la ni.. hehehhee

jenuh aku...
tp xpe..
trubat gak rndu kt mama n papa...

i lub u mama papa..