His Birthday

My Age...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

hri ni y sgt sedih..

hari ni sahabat baik aku pgi2 lg buat hal....
ntah pape la..
kata2 dia punye la menusuk kalbu..
sedih giler...
and you know,
i cry during da class...
but jus some of my classmate know that..
especially lina n asyi...
they ask why but i didn't answer...
so bangang tol sahabat baik aku tu...
cm la dia baik sgt....
memg la..
i know i'm not generous..
not very good..
but i'm as human, i do make mistake..
not everything i can remember..
that is my mistake...
owh God..
help me...
i'm very bad mood today...
but very lucky...
my bie sgt2 prihatin..
he like know what had happen to me...
and he said to me to sabar n jus let everything go..
don't think about it..
and he said he very miss me..
he give support for me..
today he need to attend the trial in court at johor..
about the case that he had handle...
he let me know before he left..
i know he love me so much..
thanks bie...

syg sayang bie sgt2...

1 comment:

  1. weh,sapo suspek hok mu oyk tu???po kisah hangat jah ni...cpt2..gosip ngan aku..muahahaha


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