His Birthday

My Age...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

come back

tjuk skit gempak r kan..
smua org dh hbis exam aku lak y buat come back..

xke senget ke kpala aku..


it is come back for my relationship with him(hafiz)..

i'm with him again..
i hope all friends will bless it..
maybe some of friends not soo agree..
but it is just a trial...
to know that he really need me or not..

i think be with him now can make me happy..
i don't know next time what happen..
hope will always be happy till the end of my life...

wlaupn skrg aku dh x semanja dlu..
aku nk sgt2 manja2 ngan dia..
tp aku kna bertegas...
aku xleh nk bg muka sgt..

aku syg dia sgt2..
tp kna ajr gak skit..

xleh bg muka sgt..
nt naik kpala aku la jgak y merana..
selain tu we have secret of each other..

big secret...
nobody knows..
only us know it..
it makes me really want him as mine..

he's mine..


pray for our relationship...
thanks for being by my side every moment..

love u guys...

my lesbo...


  1. wish u all the best...
    for your new re-born relationship

  2. thanks syg...
    hope he love me forever....


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